Awarded with 4st position
The Kalevala is a work of folklore poetry compiled from Finnish oral mythology. It is regarded as the national epic and maybe the most significant work of Finnish literature.
Our sculpture describes a famous event in this poem, where young and boastful warrior poet Joukahainen challenges grand wizard Väinämöinen to a duel in poem singing. As a result powerful Väinämöinen sangs Joukahainen into the marsh.
2017: Finnish snow sculpting championship
Awarded with the 2st position
2015: Nayoro international snow sculpting competition, Japan Cup
Route 1,618...
Some say, that the beauty is at the eye of the beholder. That same eye follows the pattern of particular geometrical harmony defined by nature. Through that path you can find the true essence of beauty. There lays the Route 1,618...
2015: Sapporo international snow sculpting championship
Awarded with 2st position,"Runner-Up"
"And so came the charming stranger
Along with the tender waves
Whispering promises for the vestal lady
But as the tides were withdrawn
Only that was left, was an empty shore"
2014: Finnish snow sculpting championship
Awarded with the 1st position
Kemi Kestää
[Kemi Stands]
Kemi stands the pressure of incoming tidal wave.
2013: Custom sculpture for Vihti Ski
Castle 13.
We carved this massive snow castle for ski resort at Vihti. This work needed a communal approach due to it's measurements.
Awarded with the 3st position
[The Games]
Games was the theme for this competition, so we decided to sculpt the most vulgar games in known history:
the games of Colosseum.
2012: Sapporo International snow sculpting championship
Chasing Night And Day
The story behind the sculpture is based on Scandinavian folklore, where wolf god Fenris' sons, wolf shaped demigods Sköll (Loath) and Hati (Hate) are set to chase the Sun and the Moon until the end of time.
2012: Custom sculpture for Rukan Salonki
Winter's first full sized sculpture. The Sculpture features two wolves and it was done as a practice work for upcoming Sapporo International Snow Festival.
2012: Custom sculpture for Rukan Salonki
A sculpture, which we planned and sketched during a coffee break while executing snow sculpting training. The composition was done the next day.
2011: Finnish snow sculpting championship
Awarded with the 1st position

Veljesten välisestä rakkaudesta
[...of the love between brothers]
This sculpture depicts a very important act in the events of Ragnarøk, when two brothers Thor and Loki go through a fiery fight which ends in Thor's death. By some sources this event starts Ragnarøk.
2010: Finnish snow sculpting championship

Ymir yllättyy
[Ymir gets taken by surprise]
In this sculpture an ice golem Ymir is rising to the surface of the earth to take part in the events of Ragnarøk and to urge forward the ever-winter. Unfortunately Ymir is taken by a most unlikely fenomenon: the sun is shining bright and hot! Is it not yet time for ever-winter or is global warming just playing a trick on Ymir?
2009: Finnish snow sculpting championship
[Primal Might]
Our debut sculpture Primal Might took part in action series. The sculpture features a troll that spits out little children. In the back of the troll's head there is a set of stairs that lead into a slide, which goes through the hollowed out head and comes out as the tongue.
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